Press centre

Here you find our press releases:

Corriere del Ticino, April 2006

Ge.Co.Roads Immobiliare SA have  new Offices in the hard from Lugano, Piazza Cioccaro 12.

Ticino Welcome , June2006

Interview with Antonio Cannarozzo,CEO from Ge.Co.Roads Immobiliare SA.

Ticino Management, January 2007

Interview with Antonio Cannarozzo,CEO from Ge.Co.Roads Immobiliare SA.

Ticino Welcome , July 2007

Interview with Antonio Cannarozzo,CEO from Ge.Co.Roads Immobiliare SA.

Ticino Welcome, March 2008

Interview with Antonio Cannarozzo,CEO from the Ge.Co.Roads Immobiliare SA.

Rivista di Lugano, April 2009

Leader in the real estate marketing

Ticino Welcom. June 2009

Interview with Antonio cannarozzo,CEO from the Ge.Co.Roads immobiliare SA



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